Category A, B, C, D, H, M
Full Course cost for Cat A - B is $120.00
11029NAT Course in Firearms and Weapons Safety
(Approved for Firearms Licensing in Queensland)
RTO Number 45795
From the 1st of Jan 2018 ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A USI number
For more information please click
To book your spot, please click on the link below to Register :
No prior knowledge or preparation is required for the course, however we do ask that before attending the course you read:
1. The Student Handbook and
2. Declaration by an unlicenced person to possess a weapon at an approved range.
What to wear:
- The practical component of the course is outdoors, so please be prepared with suitable attire; long pants recommended.
- Closed in shoes are essential. Hearing protection will be provided and must be worn.
- Don't forget water, hat & sunscreen.
Practical Component requirements:
To complete the practical component of the course, participants must meet
"Eligibility to hold a Weapons Act Licence":
The QMRC conforms to the requirements of the Qld Weapons Act which governs the use of firearms. If not disqualified or prevented from obtaining a licence under the Weapons Act 1990, a person may possess and use a weapon without a licence under certain circumstances. These are:
- A person who is eligible to obtain a licence may have possession and use a weapon at a range approved for the category of weapon, if they have produced photographic identification and signed the appropriate forms. Possession and use must be supervised by a range officer.
- Full licence holders must be at least 18 years of age.
- Children of at least 11 years of age can use certain firearms, with adult supervision, under a minor's licence.
- A person is ineligible to hold a Weapons Act Licence if, within the past five years, they have been convicted of offences including misuse of drugs, or weapons, and the use or threatened use of violence.
- A person is ineligible to hold a Weapons Act Licence if they are or have been the subject of a domestic violence order in the past five years.
COMPLAINTS and APPEALS regarding QMRC 10618NAT Course in Firearms Safety
INFORMATION regarding Firearms Safety Course complaints/appeals (pdf)
Complaint/Appeal Resolution Form, Firearms Safety Course 11029NAT (pdf)
QMRC is a Registered Training Organisation for the purpose of offering the Queensland Police Service's 11029NAT Course in Firearms and Weapons Safety to those persons wishing to apply for a firearms licence.

QMRC can offer courses for Categories A, B, C, D, H, M (Crossbow), M (Miscellaneous) and R licence applications. Successful completion of the appropriate Safety Course is a compulsory prerequisite for a licence application.
The Course will cover all of the important points of the Queensland Weapons Act that you need to know. The different types of firearms and the basic operation of them along with range procedures, safety rules and hunting ethics will be covered in the morning.
The afternoon session covers the basics of accurate and safe shooting techniques, firing a few rounds at 25 meters and a discussion of maintenance procedures. There will be two multiple choice examinations during the day.
Firearms Safety Courses for Cats A & B are held
on the first and third Sundays of each month
( Courses for other categories are arranged on an individual basis )

Courses are conducted at the Wynnum Manly Pigeon Club INC. club house on the Belmont shooting complex. This is the first building on the right as you enter the Belmont Shooting Complex via Old Cleveland Road entrance (opposite Stanbrough Road)
QMRC Firearms Safety Courses Sign-on begins at 8:00 am
with instruction commencing at 8:30 am
Candidates will need to present some form of photo ID.
Full Course in Cat A & B = $120.00
Please ensure you bring your Drivers Licence or other ‘photo ID’.
The bulk of the course will be in the class room.
There will be two written, multiple choice test papers.
A practical shooting session will complete the day.
Candidates will need to wear clothing suitable for outdoor activity.
A hat and closed footwear are essential.
Tea and coffee will be available throughout the day.
Candidates will have to make their own arrangements for lunch.
Candidates with previous use of firearms experience can claim Recognition of Prior Learning.
This will exempt them from the practical shooting section.
Candidates wishing to claim RPL will have to bring some evidence of this experience.
The course should be completed by 3.30 - 4.00pm.
Firearms Safety Course in Category A, B, C, D, H, M
Full Course cost for A - B is $120.00
How to Obtain a Category A & B Licence
Step 1 - You must complete a 11029NAT Course in Firearms and Weapons Safety. Once you have completed this course you will recive a Statement of Attainment for completion of the training.
Step 2 - Join a Shooting Club for a genuine reason for firearm ownership.
Step 3 - Apply online for your licence at Queensland Police Service
Category of Firearms
Category A
(1) Each of the following is a category A if it has not been rendered permanently inoperable-
a) a miniature cannon under 120 cm in barrel length that is a black powder
and muzzle loading cannon, depicting a scale model of an historical artillery
piece or naval gun;
b) an air rifle;
c) a blank-fire firearm at least 75
cm in length;
d) a rimfire rifle (other than a self-loading rimfire rifle);
e) a single or double barrel shotgun;
f) a powerhead.
(2) A conversion unit is also a category A.
(3) In this section-- "conversion unit" means a unit or device or barrel that is capable of being used for converting a category A that is a firearm from one calibre to another calibre.
Category B
(1) Each of the following is a category B if it has not been rendered permanently inoperable--
a) a muzzle-loading firearm;
b) a single shot centre fire rifle;
c) a
double barrel centre fire rifle;
d) a repeating centre fire rifle;
e) a
break action shotgun and rifle combination.
(2) A conversion unit is also a category A.
(3) In this section-- "conversion unit" means a unit or device or barrel that is capable of being used for converting a category B that is a firearm from one calibre to another calibre.
Category C
Each of the following is a category C if it has not been rendered permanently inoperable—
a) a semiautomatic rimfire rifle with a magazine capacity no greater than 10
b) a semiautomatic shotgun with a magazine capacity no greater than
5 rounds;
c) a pump action shotgun with a magazine capacity no greater than
5 rounds.
Category D
(1) Each of the following is a category D —
a) a self-loading centre fire rifle designed or adapted for military purposes
or a firearm that substantially duplicates a rifle of that type in design,
function or appearance;
b) a non-military style self-loading centre fire
rifle with either an integral or detachable magazine;
c) a self-loading
shotgun with either an integral or detachable magazine with a capacity of more
than 5 rounds and a pump action shotgun with a capacity of more than 5
d) a self-loading rimfire rifle with a magazine capacity of more than
10 rounds.
Category H
(1) A firearm, including an air pistol and a blank-fire firearm, under 75 cm in length, other than a powerhead, is a category H, regardless of whether it has been rendered permanently inoperable;
(2) A conversion unit is also a category H;
(3) This section does not apply to a powerhead or category C, D or R;
(4) In this section-- "conversion unit" means a unit or device or barrel that is capable of being used for converting a category H that is a firearm from one calibre to another calibre.
For schedule 2 of the Act, each of the following comprises a class of category H—
(a) an air pistol;
(b) a centre-fire pistol with a calibre of not more
than .38 inch or a black-powder pistol;
(c) a centre-fire pistol with a
calibre of more than .38 inch but not more than .45 inch;
(d) a rim-fire